Join us - New Members

New member - please scroll down and complete the form and pay by card or PayPal below, or download and print a form for a postal application.

Existing member - please go here for Renewal instructions

If you are a new member and have made an incomplete application, ie not made a payment, please contact the membership secretary to have this application reset, this will allow you access to restart your application. 

Ducati Owners Club GB Membership runs for 12 months from date of joining, and comes up for renewal at the end of the month. Join online using the form below, or if you prefer by Cheque in the post using the membership form here.
If you prefer to pay by, bank transfer, or standing order please fill in your details in the form below, then when you get to the payment page select standing order or bank transfer leave the page then email for details of how to set up payment.

Membership rates

Payment methods: cheque, card, PayPal, bank transfer:

Single UK £25 - Desmo by post UK address or by pdf (non UK address)
Single Non-UK £35 - Desmo by Post overseas
Joint UK £27 - Desmo by post UK Address or by pdf (non UK address) - 2 persons at the same address one copy of Desmo both members have full rights
Joint Non-UK Address £37 - Desmo by Post overseas - 2 persons at the same address one copy of Desmo, both members have full rights.

Payment method: Bank Standing Order £2 discount 

Single UK £23
Joint UK £25
Single Non-UK £33
Joint Non-UK £35
Note: These rates do not apply to PayPal or card recurring payments.

Postal renewal reminders are set out 2 weeks prior to renewal date for PayPal, cheque, card, bank transfer or cash. Renewals are not sent out for Standing order, recurring PayPal or recurring card payments

Form downloads

If you would prefer to join us via post, please download the printable application form below. If you would also like to pay via standing order, please download and fill out the correct standing order form below.

Membership application form
Single UK standing order
Joint UK standing order
Single overseas standing order
Joint overseas standing order


Member details

Please enter the member details for this membership.

Fields marked with * are required.

Member 1

Contact information

Please enter an email and phone number we can use to contact you along with an address we can use to send letters and Desmo.

Fields marked with * are required.

Desmo subscription

Please select whether you would like to receive Desmo by post and/or by PDF.

Branch communication

Please select what branches you are happy to contact you via e-mail, telephone or post.
