CoM meet
Please find below report of CoM meet from Stafford, October 2018.
just so you can all see what we are working on.
Meeting Started at 2:00pm
Apologies for absence: Colin Richards (Social Secretary), Lisa Richards (Advertising), Natalee Edwards (Northern Rally Organiser), Dave Wilson (BMF Rep.), Chris Holland, Peter Ward
Present: Ray Dudding (PR Officer), Martyn Edwards (Chairman), Wayne Penman (Events), Steve Benn (Secretary), Steve Loveday (Discounts officer), Jilly Penegar (Desmo Editor and Treasurer), Leigh Scott (Merchandise Secretary), Colin Darlow (Technical Literature), Kevin Baker (Membership Secretary)
Minutes from meeting 18th September 2018
The Italian Festival: Will be in first weekend in September 2019. Location still to be confirmed.RD
TV show: “The History of Ducati” will be filmed Wed. 24th or Thur. 25th Oct. at Turweston near Brackley NN13 5JX. RD to contact potential attendees.RD
'Ducati dealer / specialists articles for Desmo': Ray is editing the M&S article for Desmo.
Wayne to talk to Ian Rhodes for a second article.RD/WP
CoM Members Profiles: Ray to send the “Questionnaire” to all CoM membersagain.RD
The New Forum Design: CoM to get used to using it and a new section for Buying and Selling Classic machinery to be added. Ray to speak to Dimension6000.RD
Dropbox: Kevin reported that the Dropbox was virtually clear and usable.
Volunteers: Alex Simmons has been asked and agreed to take on the CoM position of Advertising. The meeting welcomed Steve Loveday, the new Discounts Officer.
Flags and Banners. Kevin to send Leigh artwork of Flag designs. Leigh to publish the flags in the Website Shop with a ticket price of £55.00. KB/LS
WDW 2018 debrief: to leave photographs of WDW 2018 on the website.
Machine Dating: Peter Ward to create an on-line form for applicants to fill-in. Ray has been in-touch with Pete and the form will be sent to Dimension6000.RD
“Secretary”: The CoM voted to accept Chris Holland as Secretary as soon as possible. SB to contact CH when back from his holiday. SB
“Treasurer”: The CoM voted to appoint Lisa Richards as Treasurer. JP has been in contact with LR and the hand-over of the position hopefully Saturday 20th October.JP/LR
Events: Wayne to split the events calendar and send to Jilly for the next publication of Desmo.WP
Budget meeting: Date of 18th of November at Kevin’s house in Dudley to be changed.ALL
CoM meets: Steve Loveday to help arrange a future CoM meeting to be held at The Bike Shed.SL
2019 AGM: Probable date 13th April 2019 at the NCC, Birmingham. SB to email Steve Bird at NCC. SB
Website News Articles: KB to show WP how to add Events News to appear on Website. KB/WP
Distribution of Flags and Banners: WP to set up a My Hermes account for the club to use to send flags and banners out and return.WP
Technical Literature: CD to obtain as many new workshop manuals as needed to add to the bank of Tec. Lit. on the website especially newer “Classics”. CD
CoM discussed the necessity for details on DOC GB Website hits. Discuss with Dimension6000 to use Google Analytics.SB
Merchandise: LS to add new neck scarves and new T-shirts. Storage of Merchandise now sorted and new storage boxes have been ordered. It was agreed that the club would share the cost of the Storage Unit with LS.LS
Club’s 12 x 6 Marquee: SB to put the club’s old 12m x 6m marquee onto Ebay.SB
ACU: Affiliation Form to be given to CH for completion and return to ACU.CH
CoM Meetings: Branch Reps to be invited again to CoM meets and to be sent a copy of these minutes.
Next CoM Meeting: Bristol Classic Motorcycle Show, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6QN, Saturday Feb 2nd 2019
Meeting closed at 3.30 PM